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尽量把编辑和校对过程分开. 如果你在修改和编辑阶段担心单词的拼写或逗号的位置, 你没有把注意力集中在更重要的观点的发展和联系上,而这些观点使论文清晰而有说服力.

关于修改和编辑指南,请先参阅TIP Sheet:修改和编辑.


Proofreading 写作过程的最后阶段是评估论文的机械正确性吗, such as grammar, punctuation, spelling, omitted words, repeated words, spacing and format, and typographical errors. 你应该在完成所有其他的修改和编辑之后再进行校对.

Proofreading is a learning process. You are not just looking for errors; you are also learning to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. 手册和字典是重要的资源. Keep them close at hand as you proofread. 如果你对某件事不确定,就去查一下.

当你开发和实践一个系统的策略时,校对过程会变得更有效率. 学会识别自己写作中需要仔细注意的特定领域.

Hints for Successful Proofreading

  • 在写作和校对之间留出一段时间(15分钟,一天,一周). 离课文一定的距离会帮助你更容易发现错误.
  • Work from a printout, not the computer screen. 放大打印或更改字体,以给您一个新的视角.
  • 用一张白纸或尺子遮住你正在阅读的句子下面的行. 这个技巧可以防止你跳过可能出现的错误.
  • Read very slowly. Read one word at a time. 如果可能的话,大声朗读,这样你就能听到每个单词. 把整篇论文读几遍,每次都找出不同的错误. 对着录音机朗读,并在回放时仔细听.
  • 回顾你以前论文的评论,把经常被标记的错误列一个清单. Prioritize your list. Read separately for each kind of error, 遵循任何最适合你的方法来识别这类错误.

Proofreading Strategies for Specific Errors

如果你通过复习老师的评语知道你经常犯以下一个或多个语法错误, 尝试以下建议的策略来识别和纠正你的错误. 请注意,这只是可能的机械错误的有限列表. 作为一名作家,你可以决定其他特别关注的领域.


  • Examine each word in the paper individually. 从每行的末尾回到开头. 用铅笔指可以帮助你更清楚地看到每个单词. 如果有必要,查字典看看每个单词是否拼写正确. 重要的是要记住,在写初稿时,电脑拼写检查会很有帮助, 但是不会发现同音异义词的错误(例如 they're, their, and there)或某些印刷错误(如书写) he for the)


Subject/Verb Agreement

  • Find the main verb in each sentence. Match the verb to its subject. 确保主语和动词在数量上一致(也就是说,两者都是单数或复数)。.


Pronoun Reference/Agreement

  • Skim your paper, stopping at each pronoun. Look especially at it, this, they, their, and them. 搜索该代词所取代的名词. If you can't find any noun, 或者不清楚指的是哪个名词, change the pronoun to a noun. 如果你能找到一个名词,确保它在数和人称上与你的代词一致.


Parallel Structure

  • 浏览你的论文,停在暗示平行结构的关键词上. Look especially for and, or, not only...but also, either...or, both...and. 确保这些词连接的词的语法形式相同. For instance, "She likes golf, basketball, and soccer" rather than "She likes golf, basketball, and to play soccer.你可以把“他不仅钢琴弹得很棒,吉他也弹得很好”改成“他不仅钢琴弹得很棒,吉他也弹得很好”."


Compound Sentence Commas

  • Skim for the conjunctions and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet. 看连词两边是否有一个完整的句子(包括主语和动词). If so, place a comma before the conjunction.


Introductory Commas

  • 浏览你的文章,只看每句话的前两三个单词. 如果其中一个单词是从属连词(例如 while, if), a transition word (such as nevertheless, however), a participial phrase (such as serving four years in the Navy, he...), or a prepositional phrase (such as in contrast, about two years ago). 当你大声朗读时,是否能听到短语后的停顿或停顿, 在介绍性短语或从句的末尾(在独立从句之前)加逗号。.



  • 看每个句子是否包含独立从句(主语和动词). 要特别注意以从属连词开头的句子(比如 because, if, or when) or phrases such as for example or such as. 看看这个片段是否只是前面句子的一部分,被错误地用句号隔开了. If so, attach it to the sentence. If not, add the missing subject or verb.


Run-On Sentences

  • 复习每个句子,看它是否包含一个以上的独立子句. Start with the last sentence of your paper, and work your way back to the beginning, sentence by sentence, stopping at every comma. Run-on sentences can be revised four ways. 你可以把这些分句编成单独的句子, 用逗号和连词(and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet), 如果句子关系密切,用分号把分句连接起来, or restructure the sentence (for example, by adding a subordinate conjunction).


Plurals and Possessives (Use of apostrophes)

  • 略读你的文章,只在以。结尾的单词停下来 s. 看看是否需要撇号来表示占有. If the words can be inverted, and Maria's book can be changed to the book of Maria, then the apostrophe is correct. 如果一个单词以s结尾只是因为它是复数,那么就不应该有撇号.

只有现在,你才应该让别人通读你的论文,检查你可能遗漏的东西. By revising, editing, and proofreading on your own first, 你最终会提高自己的写作能力.

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